At Famvar International School, we endeavour to instill qualities of judgement, honesty, self-reliance, leadership, creativity,integrity, diligence and self discipline in our students. While we do not have a system of rigid rules, our overall Code of Conduct is based on the need to ensure the security of the students as well as consideration for others and high standards of behaviour.
Thank you for your interest in FAMVAR International Secondary School (F.I.S.S) Official Website and for giving us the opportunity to share a glimpse of it with you.This website will inform you about our history, mission, vision, and academic programmes and of the very wide range of activities we offer to our pupils.
This site however, cannot convey the most important thing of all – the feeling of warmth within the school. A visit will assure you that your son or daughter will thrive here in a happy purposeful community which encourages children to do their best in everything they undertake.
Mrs. Veronique Tabai School Administrator
Access your Lesson Notes, Study Materials, Weekly Assignments, Terminal Results, Time table online!. Morealso,Track your class attendance and financial history..
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One of our culture in the institution is to set out a week or weeks to celebrate Mathematics a s a subject..
We cannot ignore the need for a one-to-one or geneder based dialogue with the learners. Sensitive matters about themselves, the opposite sex. parents and relations are shared....
This is one of the moments students of the institution would always one to witness. Here, learners showcase their inborn abilities discovered by their teachers and mentors.
This is unique celebrated celebrated in FAMVAR International Secondary School. Our learners are given opportunities showcase their abilities on the runway. No wonder FAMVAR a dream of the digital teenager
Since the inception of FAMBAR International Secondary School, Academic performance have being on a steady growth, Students graduated from the school have shown a high level of productivity and testimonies all over the world.
The WAEC, JAMB and NECO has rated FISS as one of the schools to be reckon with as a pavilion for academic excellence. FISS shows no slowing down in research and development of strategic teaching and learning processes.
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